Preparation and Properties of Alkanes

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By Sakshi Goel | 28 Oct'18 | 2 K Views |


Methods of preparation:

1. From alkenes and alkynes (by hydrogenation): 

R bond C H double bond C H bond R space plus space H subscript 2 space yields with Catalyst on top R bond C H subscript 2 bond C H subscript 2 bond R

R bond C triple bond C bond R space plus space 2 H subscript 2 space yields with Catalyst on top R bond C H subscript 2 bond C H subscript 2 bond R

Catalyst :

(a) Pd/Pt at ordinary temp. and pressure
Ni, 200–300° C (In Sabatier reaction)
(c)Raney Nicker at room temp.
(d) Raney nickel is obtained by boiling Ni/Al with NaOH. 
(e) Methane can not be prepared by this method (From unsaturated hydrocarbon)

 2. From alkyl Halides (by reduction):

R bond X yields with 2 open square brackets H close square brackets on top R bond H space plus space H bond X

Catalyst :

(a)Zn + HCl 
(b)Zn + CHCOOH
(c)Zn—Cu couple in C2H5OH
(d)Red P + HI
(e)Al + Hg + ethanol


(a) Alkyl halides can also be reduced to alkane by H2/Pd or LiAlH4 or H2/Ni.
(b) Reduction is due to the electron transfer from the metal to the substrate (R- X)
(c) If any alkyl halide is asked, the H-atom of any carbon atom of given alkane is removed by halogen atom.

3. From alkyl halide (By Wurtz reaction): A solution of alkyl halide in ether on heating with sodium gives alkane.

2 R bond X space plus space 2 Na space yields with Dry space ether on top R bond R space plus space 2 NaX

(a) Methane can not be prepared by this method. The alkane produced is higher and symmetrical i.e. it contains double the number of carbon atoms present in the alkyl halide taken and thus Wurtz reaction is not suitable for the synthesis of alkanes containing odd number of carbon atoms.
(b) Two different alkyl halides, on Wurtz raction gives all possible alkanes. The seperation of mixture into individual members is not easy because their B.P. are near to each other.
(c) This reaction generally fails with tertiary alkyl halide.


4. Corey-House Synthesis: This method is suitable for the preparation of both symmetrical and unsymmetrical alkanes (R—R').

(i) RX space plus space 2 Li space yields RLi space plus space LiX

(ii) 2 RLi space plus space CuX space yields R subscript 2 Cu Li space plus space LiX

(iii) R subscript 2 Cu Li space plus space R apostrophe X yields R bond R apostrophe space plus space RCu space plus space LiX

5. From Carboxylic Acid (By decarboxylation): Saturated monocarboxylic acid salt of sodium or potassium on dry distillation with soda lime gives alkane.

RCOONa space plus space Na O H space yields with Ca O below and increment on top R bond H space plus space Na subscript 2 C O subscript 3

(a) The process of elimination of carbon dioxide from carboxylic acid is called decarboxylation.
(b) Replacement of -COOH by hydrogen is known as decarboxylation. Thus, the alkane formed always contains one carbon atom less than the original acid.
(c) This reaction is employed for stepping down a homologous series.
(d) Decarboxylation of sodium formate gives H2.


6. From alkanol, alkanals, Alkanone and alkanoic acid (By reduction) : The reduction of either of the above in presence of red P and HI gives corresponding alkane. 

(i) R bond O H space plus space 2 H I space yields with 150 to the power of o C below and Red space P on top R bond H space plus space H subscript 2 O space plus space I subscript 2

(ii) R bond C H O space plus space 4 H I space yields with 150 to the power of o C below and Red space P on top R bond C H subscript 3 space plus space H subscript 2 O space plus space 2 I subscript 2

(iii) R bond C O bond R space plus space 4 H I space yields with 150 to the power of o C below and Red space P on top R bond C H subscript 2 bond R space plus space H subscript 2 O space plus 2 space I subscript 2

(iv) R bond C O O H space plus space 6 H I space yields with 150 to the power of o C below and Red space P on top R bond C H subscript 3 space plus space H subscript 2 O space plus space 3 I subscript 2

Physical Properties :

  1. State: C1 to C4: Gas,
     to C17Colourless liquids and above C17 are Waxy solids.
  2. Density : The density of alkanes increases with increase in molecular weight and becomes constant at 0.8 g/mL. Thus all alkanes are lighter than water.
  3. Solubility : Alkanes being non polar and thus insoluble in water but soluble in non-polar solvents. Example : C6H6, CCl4, ether etc. The solubility of alkanes decreases with increase in molecular weight. Liquid alkanes are themselves good non-polar solvents.
  4. Boiling point ∝ molecular weight (for n-alkanes). Pentane < Hexane < Heptane. Also  boiling pointof n–Pentane > Isopentane > neopentane.
  5. Melting point : M.P. of alkanes do not show regular trend. Alkanes with even number of carbon atoms have higher M.P. than their alkanes of odd number of carbon atoms.

Chemical Properties :

Oxidation reactions :
(i) Complete oxidation or combustion : Burn readily with non-luminous flame in presence of air or oxygen to give CO2 and water with evolution of heat. Therefore, alkanes are used as fuels.

C subscript n H subscript 2 n plus 2 end subscript plus open parentheses fraction numerator 3 n plus 1 over denominator 2 end fraction close parentheses O subscript 2 yields nCO subscript 2 and left parenthesis n plus 1 right parenthesis H subscript 2 O comma space increment H equals minus sign ve

(ii) Incomplete oxidation : In limited supply of air gives carbon black and CO.

2 C H subscript 4 and 3 O subscript 2 yields 2 C O space plus space 4 H subscript 2 O

(iii) Catalytic oxidation : 

(a) Alkanes are easily converted to alcohols and aldehydes under controlled catalytic oxidation.

2 C H subscript 4 and O subscript 2 yields with High space P space and space T below and Red space hot space Cu space or space Fe space tube on top 2 C H subscript 3 O H

(b) Tertiary alkanes are oxidized to give tertiary alcohols by KMnO4.

Substitution Reactions: Substitution reaction in alkanes shows free radical mechanism. They give following substitution reaction.

(i) Halogenation : Replacement of H-atom by halogen atom. Halogenation is made on exposure to (halogen + alkane) mixture to UV or at elevated temperature. 

R bond H space plus space X subscript 2 yields with U V on top R bond X space plus space H bond X

The reactivity order for halogens shows the order. F > Cl > Br > I

Reactivity order of hydrogen atom in alkane is Tertiary C – H > Sec. C – H > primary C – H

Chlorination of methane:  The monochloro derivative of alkane is obtained by taking alkane in large excess.
When chlorine is in excess, a mixture of mono, di, tri, tetra and perchloro derivatives is obtained.

C H subscript 4 yields with Cl subscript 2 on top C H subscript 3 Cl yields with Cl subscript 2 on top C H subscript 2 Cl subscript 2 yields with Cl subscript 2 on top C H Cl subscript 3 yields with Cl subscript 2 on top C Cl subscript 4

Mechanism of C H subscript 4 space plus space Cl subscript 2 space rightwards arrow with U V on top space C H subscript 3 Cl space plus space H Cl

(ii) Nitration :  At ordinary temperature, alkanes do not react with HNO3. But reacts with vapours of concentrated HNO3 at 450 oC.

R bond H space plus space H O bond N O subscript 2 yields with 400 minus sign 500 to the power of o C on top R bond N O subscript 2 space plus space H subscript 2 O

Mechanism: Free radical mechanism:

Step 1: H O bond N O subscript 2 yields with increment on top O with dot on top H space plus space N O subscript 2

R bond H space plus space O with dot on top H space yields R with dot on top space plus space H subscript 2 O

Step 2: R with dot on top space plus space O H bond N O subscript 2 space rightwards arrow space stack stack italic R minus sign N O subscript 2 with underbrace below with P italic r italic o italic d italic u italic c italic t below space plus space O with dot on top H

Step 3: R with dot on top space plus space N with dot on top O subscript 2 yields space italic R minus sign N O subscript 2

R with dot on top space plus space stack O H with Ë™ on top yields italic R minus sign O H

O with dot on top H space plus space N with dot on top O subscript 2 yields H O N O subscript 2

(iii) Sulphonation : Replacement of H atom of alkane by –SO3H is known sulphonation. Alkane react with fuming H2SOor oleum (H2S2O7). The branched lower alkanes and higher alkanes react to give alkane sulphonic acid.

The reactivity order for sulphonation is 3H > 2H > 1H.

Isomerization : Unbranched chain alkanes on heating with AlCl3 + HCl / 200oC are converted in to branched chain alkanes.

Pyrolysis or Cracking or thermal decomposition : When alkanes are heated to 500-7000C they are decomposed in to lower hydrocarbon. This decomposition is called pyrolysis. In petroleum industry it is also termed as cracking. Cracking is used for the manufacture of petrol, petrol gas/oil gas etc.
C H subscript 4 yields with 1000 to the power of o C on top C and 2 H subscript 2

C H subscript 3 bond C H subscript 3 yields with absence space of space air below and 500 to the power of o C on top C H subscript 2 double bond C H subscript 2 and H subscript 2

n bond butane yields with cracking on top 1 minus sign butene plus 2 minus sign butene and ethane and ethene and propene and methane and H subscript 2


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