Mole Concept

This concept will clear the relationship between a mole, molar mass and the number of atoms.

By Sakshi Goel | 28 Oct'18 | 2 K Views |


A mole is defined as the amount of substance that contains as many atoms as there are atoms present in exacyly 12 g of carbon.
1 mole = 6.023cross times1023 particles
6.023cross times1023 is called the Avogadro constant or Avogadro number.
One mole of anything is 6.023cross times1023 units of that thing.
For example: one mole of oxygen atoms = 6.023cross times1023 atoms
one mole of oxygen molecules = 6.023cross times1023 molecules
one mole of sodium ions = 6.023cross times1023 ions

Converting between number of moles and number of atoms:

1 mol = 6.023cross times1023 atoms
So, if we have 3.4 mol of Fe and we want to calculate number of Fe atoms in it. Avogadro number will be used as a conversion factor. 
1 mol Fe = 6.023cross times1023 Fe atoms
3.4 space m o l space F e space equals space fraction numerator 6.023 cross times 10 to the power of 23 space F e space a t o m s over denominator 1 space m o l space F e end fraction cross times 3.4 space m o l space F e equals space 20.48 cross times 10 to the power of 23 space F e space a t o m s

Converting between mass and number of moles:

The mass of one mole of a substance in grams is called molar mass.
For example: 1 mol of C = 12.01 g C
Suppose we want to calculate number of moles of aluminium in 2.50 g of aluminium sheet, given the molar mass of Al is 26.98 g/mol. 
26.98 g of Al = 1 mol of Al
2.50 space g space o f space A l space equals space fraction numerator 1 space m o l space o f space A l over denominator 26.98 space g space o f space A l end fraction cross times 2.50 space g space o f space A l space equals space 0.09 space m o l space o f space A l

Converting between mass and number of atoms:

For this, we need to use both the above concepts.
1 mol of C = 6.023cross times1023 C atoms = 12.01 g C
For example: Calculate number of atoms in 3 g of Cu. Molar mass of Cu = 63.55 g/mol
63.55 g of Cu = 1 mol
3 space g space o f space C u space equals fraction numerator 1 space m o l space o f space C u over denominator 63.55 space g space o f space C u end fraction cross times 3 space g space o f space C u space equals space 0.047 space m o l space o f space C u
1 mol of Cu = 6.023cross times1023 Cu atoms
0.047 space m o l space o f space C u space equals space fraction numerator 6.023 cross times 10 to the power of 23 space C u space a t o m s over denominator 1 space m o l space o f space C u end fraction cross times 0.047 space m o l space o f space C u space equals space 2.8 cross times 10 to the power of 22 space C u space a t o m s



The maximum number of molecules is present in

(1) 15 L of H2 gas at STP 

(2) 5 L of N2 gas at STP
(3) 0.5 g of H
2 gas 

(4) 10 g of O2 gas


For each of the options, we will calculate the number of moles.

At STP, 22.4 L = 1 mol

Moles of H2(g) = fraction numerator 15 over denominator 22.4 end fraction = 0.67 mol

moles of N2 (g)fraction numerator 5 over denominator 22.4 end fraction = 0.223 mol
Moles of 0.5 g H
2 gas = fraction numerator 0.5 over denominator 2 end fraction = 0.25 mol

moles of 10 g O2 gas = 10 over 32 = 0.1325 mol

Maximum number of moles = maximum number of molecules = option (a)

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Which has maximum molecules?
(a) 7 g N

(b) 20 g H2 

(c) 16 g NO2 

(d) 16 g SO2


Maximum number of moles have maximum number of molecules.
Moles of N
2O = 7 over 44= 0.16 mol 

Moles of H2 = 20 over 2= 10 mol

Moles of NO2 = 16 over 46= 0.35 mol
Moles of SO2 16 over 64= 0.25 mol

H2 has maximum number moles and thus maximum number of molecules. Correct option is (b).

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The total number of electrons in 1.6 g of CH4 to that in 1.8 g of H2O
(a) Double 

(b) Same 

(c) Triple 

(d) One fourth


Avogadro number = No

Total number of e_ in CH4 = 10

Number of e– in 1.6 g of CH4 fraction numerator 1.6 over denominator 16 end fraction cross times 10 cross times N subscript o= No

Total number of e_ in H2O = 10

Number of e– in 1.8 g of H2O fraction numerator 1.8 over denominator 18 end fraction cross times 10 cross times N subscript o= No

So, correct option is (b).

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Which has the maximum number of molecules among the following?
(a) 8 g H2 

(b) 64 g SO2 

(c) 44 g CO2 

(d) 48 g O3


Maximum number of moles have maximum number of molecules
So, we will calculate number of moles for each of these.
8 g H2 = 8 over 2 = 4 moles 

44 g of CO44 over 44 = 1 mole
64 g SO2 64 over 64 = 1 mole

48 g of O348 over 48 = 1 mole

Option (a) is correct

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Weight of 1 x 1022 molecules of CuSO4.5H2O is
(a) 41.4 g
(b) 4.14 g
(c) 414.9 g
(d) 24.6 g


molar mass of CuSO4.5H2O = 249.5 g/mol
1 mole = 6.023 x 1023 molecules
Mass of 6.023 x 1023 molecules = 249.5 g
mass of 1 x 1022 molecules = 249.5 cross times fraction numerator 1 cross times 10 to the power of 22 over denominator 6.023 cross times 10 to the power of 23 end fraction equals 4.14 space g
Correct option is (b).

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Which has the maximum number of atoms?
(a) 10.8 g of Ag
(b) 2.4 g of C
(c) 5.6 g of Fe
(d) 54 g of Al


The best way is to convert all the options into the moles.
Option (a) 10.8 g of Ag: 108 g of Ag = 1 mole
10.8 g of Ag = 10.8/108 = 0.1 mol
Option (b) 2.4 of C: 12 g of C = 1 mole
2.4 g of C = 2.4/12 = 0.2 mol
Option (c) 5.6 g of Fe: 56 g of Fe = 1 mole
5.6 g of Fe = 5.6/56 = 0.1 mol
Option (d) 54 g of Al: 27 g of Al = 1 mole
54 g of Al = 54/27 = 2.0 mol
More is the number of moles, more are the number of atoms.
So, correct option is (d).

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Number of electrons present in 1.6 g of methane is
(a) 6.02 x 1024 
(b) 6.02 x 1023
(c) 6.02 x 1022
(d) 6.02 x 1021


1 mole of methane = 16 g = 6.02 x 1023 molecules of CH4
1.6 g = (1.6/16) 6.02 x 1023 = 6.02 x 1022 molecules of CH4
C has 6 electrons and H has 1 electron.
In total, 1 molecule of CH4 has 10 electrons.
So, 6.02 x 1022 molecules of CHwill have 6.02 x 1022 x 10 electrons = 6.02 x 1023 electrons
Correct option is (b).

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Which of the following possess highest mass?
(a) 0.2 mol of CO2 gas
(b) 2.24 L SO2
(c) 3.01 x 1023 molecules of water
(d) 20 g calcium


For option (a),
1 mole of CO2 = 44 g
then, 0.2 mol of CO2 = 0.2 x 44 = 8.8 g
For option (b),
22.4 L of SO2 = 1 mole = 64 g
2.24 L of SO2 = (2.24/22.4) x 64 = 6.4 g
For option (c),
6.02 x 1023 molecules of water = 1 mole = 18 g
3.01 x 1023 molecules of water = (3.01/6.02) x 18 = 9 g
For option (d),
mass given = 20 g calcium
So, correct option is (d).

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Volume of oxygen at NTP, required to completely burn 1 kg of coal (100 % carbon) is
(a) 22.4 L
(b) 1.86 x 103 L
(c) 22.4 x 103 L
(d) 1000 L


The equation for reaction of coal with oxygen during burning is
C space plus space O subscript 2 space end subscript yields space C O subscript 2
1 mole of C reacts with 1 mole of O2.
Mass of coal = 1 kg = 1000 g
Molar mass of C = 12 g/mol
Moles of C = mass/molar mass = 1000/12 = 83.3 mol
83.3 moles of carbon will react with 83.3 moles of oxygen.
At NTP, 1 mol = 22.4 L
83.3 moles = 22.4 x 83.3 = 1866 L = 1.86 x 103 L
Option (b) is correct.

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The density of a solution of 3.69 g KI in 21.70 g H2O is 1.11 g/mL. Calculate the % w/v of KI in the solution.
(a) 14.5 % (w/v) 
(b) 16.1 % (w/v) 
(c) 18.9 % (w/v) 
(d) 20.8 % (w/v)


Mass of KI = 3.69 g
Mass of water = 21.70 g
Total mass of solution = 3.69+21.70 = 25.39 g
Density of solution = 1.11 g/ml
Total volume of solution = mass of solution/density = 25.39/1.11 = 22.87 ml
So, 22.87 ml of solution contains 3.69 g of KI
100 ml of solution will contain mass of KI = 3.69 x 100/22.87 = 16.13 g
So, % w/v of KI is 16.1 % (w/v)
Option (b) is correct.

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Short Answer


Haemoglobin contains 0.334% of iron by weight. The molecular weight of haemoglobin is approximately 67200.
Calculate the number of iron atoms (Atomic weight of Fe is 56) present in one molecule of haemoglobin.


Weight of Fe in haemoglobin = fraction numerator 0.334 over denominator 100 end fraction cross times 67200 = 224.48 g
Mass of one Fe atom = 56 g
Total number of Fe atom = fraction numerator 224.48 over denominator 56 end fraction = 4

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Calculate the number of atoms in 0.1 mol of a tetraatomic gas.


Tetraatomic means 4 atoms in one molecule.

So, total number of atoms = 0.1 × 4 × 6.022 × 1023 = 2.4 × 1023 atoms

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Calculate the number of molecules in 4.25 g of NH3.


Moles of NH3 = fraction numerator 4.25 over denominator 17 end fraction = 0.25 moles
Number of molecules = 0.25 × 6.022 × 10
23 molecule = 1.50 × 1023 molecules

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What is the volume occupied by one molecule of water (density = 1 g cm-3)?


As water is liquid its density = 1 g/mL
i.e., 1 g of H2O have volume = 1 mL
Mass of one molecule = 
fraction numerator 18 over denominator 6.02 cross times 10 to the power of 23 end fraction g
fraction numerator 18 over denominator 6.02 cross times 10 to the power of 23 end fraction g of H2O have volume = fraction numerator 18 over denominator 6.02 cross times 10 to the power of 23 end fractionmL = 3.0 × 10-23 mL

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What volume of oxygen gas (O2) measured at 0°C and 1 atm, is needed to burn completely 1 L of propane gas (C3H8) measured under the same conditions?


C subscript 3 H subscript 8 and 5 O subscript 2 yields 3 C O subscript 2 and 4 H subscript 2 O

For 1 mol propane, 5 mol O2 gas is needed.
22.4 L propane = 5 × 22.4 L of O
2 gas needed
So, 1 L propane = 5 L of O2 gas is required

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A sample of ammonium phosphate (NH4)3PO4 contains 3.18 moles of hydrogen atoms. Calculate the number of moles of oxygen atoms in the sample?


In (NH4)3PO4, moles of 'H' are present with 4 moles of oxygen atom.

So, 3.18 moles of 'H' are present with = 4 over 12 cross times 3.18

= 1.06 moles of oxygen atom

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Long Answer


4 g of hydrogen reacts with 20 g of oxygen to form water. What is the mass of water formed?


2 H subscript 2 and O subscript 2 yields 2 H subscript 2 O
4 g    32 g    36 g
When 4 g of H2 reacts with 32 g of O2 gives 36 g of H2O.
Now present oxygen is 20 g
So, O2 will be the limiting reagent and H2O will be calculated from O2
32 g of O2 given = 36 g of H2O
20 g of O
2 given = 36 over 32 cross times 20 = 22.5 g H2O

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