Kinetic Energy and Molecular Speeds

Due to the collisions between the molecules, the speed and the kinetic energy of the molecules keep changing. To calculate the kinetic energy and molecular speeds, various formulae are used.

By Sakshi Goel | 28 Oct'18 | 1 K Views |


Root mean square velocity:
v subscript r m s end subscript equals square root of fraction numerator 3 R T over denominator M end fraction end root equals square root of fraction numerator 3 P V over denominator M end fraction end root equals square root of fraction numerator 3 P over denominator d end fraction end root
where R = gas constant, T = temperature, M = molar mass, P = pressure, V= volume, d = density

Average kinetic energy:
K E subscript a v g end subscript equals 3 over 2 fraction numerator R T over denominator N subscript A end fraction equals 3 over 2 k T
where NA = Avogadro's constant, k = Boltzmann constant = 1.38cross times10-23 J K-1

Average speed:
v subscript a v g end subscript equals square root of fraction numerator 8 R T over denominator pi M end fraction end root

Most probable speed:
v subscript m p end subscript equals square root of fraction numerator 2 R T over denominator M end fraction end root

Relationship between different types of molecular speeds:
v subscript m p end subscript colon v subscript a v g end subscript colon v subscript r m s end subscript equals square root of fraction numerator 2 R T over denominator M end fraction end root colon square root of fraction numerator 8 R T over denominator pi M end fraction end root colon square root of fraction numerator 3 R T over denominator M end fraction end root

v subscript m p end subscript colon v subscript a v g end subscript colon v subscript r m s end subscript equals 1 colon 1.128 colon 1.224

For a particular gas, at a particular temperature,
vmp < vavg < vrms

Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of molecular speeds:

At a given temperature, the distribution of molecular speeds remains constant, which is calles as Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law.
We can see that most proble speed is inversely proportional to the molar mass of the gas. So, lighter gases travel faster then heavier gases at the same temperature. The curve looks like below and is called as Maxwell Boltzmann distribution curve. 

The most probable speed of a gas is the speed possessed by the maximum number of molecules of the gas at a given temperature, which is peak of the curve.

Effect of temperature:

As temperature increases, the fraction of molecules having most probable speed decreases and having higher speed increases. 


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