Michaelis Menten Equation

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By Sakshi Goel | 28 Oct'18 | 1 K Views |


Michaelis–Menten kinetics is one of the best-known models of enzyme kinetics. The model serves to explain how an enzyme can cause kinetic rate enhancement of a reaction and explains how reaction rates depends on the concentration of enzyme and substrate.The general reaction scheme of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is as follows:

E and S yields with k subscript 1 on top ES yields with k subscript 2 on top E and P

where E is enzyme, S is substrate, P is product and ES is enzyme-substrate complex.

Michaelis Menten equation is given by:

R e a t i o n space r a t e equals v equals fraction numerator d left square bracket P right square bracket over denominator d t end fraction equals fraction numerator V subscript m a x end subscript left square bracket S right square bracket over denominator K subscript M plus left square bracket S right square bracket end fraction

Here, Vmax represents the maximum rate achieved by the system, happening at saturating substrate concentration. The value of the Michaelis constant KM is numerically equal to the substrate concentration at which the reaction rate is half of Vmax.


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